【ESS】Activities of 2024-2025

Egg hunt

We made baskets to collect eggs and we had an Easter egg hunt in the school courtyard.

We found many colorful eggs. It made us happy. I want to do it again so much!



We did tie-dye in the summer. We dyed handkerchiefs with colorful dye. We made cute patterns.

It was fun dying handkerchiefs. I was happy that I could make a cute handkerchief。


Halloween Party

We made bats for the Halloween party. We wore Halloween costumes and walked around the school. We played a musical chair game. We enjoyed everything we did.


Cultural Festival

First, we made an origami Santa Claus and we taught the visitors how to make one with us. We also did Christmas quizzes for the visitors. We made sure everyone had fun and learned new things from us. Also, we did a tie-dye contest. Everyone was so creative with their tie-dyes and their ideas. I think the cultural festival was a good memory for us ESS club members.


Christmas Party

We had a Christmas party in December. We played many games using paper cups, ping pong balls and blindfolds. During the reindeer game, one player put on a blindfold. Then, others gave commands to try to help them stick the parts of the face onto a reindeer face. Each team had a unique reindeer face and everyone enjoyed it.


We made pinatas! A pinata is a paper doll with sweets inside. This year, we made a Spongebob pinata for the 3rd year’s farewell party! We put sweets in the finished pinata and wrote message cards for the 3rd years. After that, we broke the pinata and ate many snacks. We had a very fun time.

Farewell Party

We had a farewell party in January. The 3rd graders gave us messages. They broke a pinata and candy came out of it.
